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Clay tile roof

  • admin
  • April 1, 2018

Clay tile roof

Home buyers and sellers it’s important that your home inspector not walk on a clay tile roof during the home inspection. Because the two leading causes of failure with clay tile roofs are falling debris and humans. For further information  research: clay tile roofs

Therefore, walking the roof can cause tile roof cracks during an inspection. However, inspecting a clay tile roof can be done with a ladder and binoculars. So the inspector can see with a close-up appearance for tile slippage,  cracks, and other defects. These defects should always be recommended for further evaluation by a roofing contractor. A roofing contractor is a skilled professional that knows with precision, how to walk on a clay tile roof.  Home buyers and sellers know what to expect during a clay tile roof inspection.

The home inspector should use a ladder and binoculars when inspecting a clay tile roof. Furthermore, the view of the binoculars gives a close-up view of the tiles. What will be noted in the home inspector reports is cracked tiles, and tiles that slip away or drop down from the correct position.

Homeowners should view their roofs after heavy storms. Falling debris is the major cause of tile cracks. Tile cracks can be repaired by re-sealing the pieces together or by replacement. I suggest that homeowners hire the roofing professionals to make the repairs. Never should the homeowner make these repairs without being a roofing contractor. Often during inspections, the inspector can determine that professionals weren’t hired. These types of repairs can de-valve a home.


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